Tag Archives: #CareerMomChat

Great first #CareerMomChat

5 Apr

I’m excited. Last night I hosted the #CareerMomChat on Twitter and despite not much promotion, we had some WONDERFUL conversations. As I’ve said before, while I appreciate a bunch of things from Lean In, I feel it is in many ways too remote and removed from where I’m at in my life (family and career) right now. So that’s what I’m looking to do- fill the gap and try to get some other mamas in on this as well.

We had a great chat with some really poignant and spot-on thoughts. I want thank Natalie (@bakeanddestroy), Evelyn (@evelynalauer), Julie (@juliesmolyansky),  and Rain (@Devivo) for taking part. A small but mighty crowd!


I think that moving forward, I’ll aim to host these a touch later (so I can finish dinner and getting the kids to bed) and on Tuesdays, as Thursdays are often tricky. All in all, off to a good start!