Archive | October, 2014

To Fly or Not to Fly? (Hint: Always Fly)

27 Oct

Catherine and Everett

It’s no secret since last February, I’ve become addicted to Flywheel, the amazing stationary bike studio that offers a truly kick ass workout, but so much more. For me, it’s helped center myself, helped blow off the steam and stresses of life, work, family. It is also so damn fun. I liken it to going to Roscoe’s for an evening on dancing. But instead of getting a G&T spilled on me, I’m drenched because I’m sweating about 800+ calories over a 45 minute ride. Whether riding with Everett, Donna, Michael, Erin, Alicia, April or any of the amazing instructors, it is always the best part of my day when I’m on the bike.

What started as me going once or twice a week has evolved to going as many as 6-7 times a week. Honestly, if I had the time, I’d go every-sing-mother-fucking-day. That’s not an option, but I make every effort to be there as often as I can.

Imagine my delight when Flywheel opened their new studio in Old Town. The only complaint I have is that it’s a bit of a hike from my house (downtown Chicago). So I knew I’d love Old Town’s closer proximity- but when I arrived and saw how BEAUTIFUL the studio was, I was through the moon. Don’t get me wrong, my heart will always be loyal to Gold Coast, but love the new options.

Anyway, I digress. If you’re in Chicago and want to have the best 45 minutes of your day for a ride- sign up here: The first ride is free and you will never regret it.
